Friday, March 6, 2009

Compost, Compost, Compost!!

So Jeff & I have decided to start taking a little "action" as far as becoming more self-sufficient. We've always enjoyed sort of speculating about how we'd like to do one thing or another, but this is something we're very serious about!! After thinking, "What can we do RIGHT NOW?!" (Mainly because although we would eventually like to own more than a "few" acres of land, right now we're in a nice little 1-acre set-up in an addition.) We've decided to start composting, and of course, trying our hand at a little more extensive gardening. Last year we attempted to grow vegetables, and we were fairly successful, but this year we really want to put our nose to the grindstone and PRODUCE something!! We have our garden area all tilled from this past year, and we spent one fairly nice weekend (in February) hoeing and raking the garden out. That same weekend we also started a compost pile.

This idea of composting is something that has taken root and we decided...Why not? Why not us? Why can't we do this? It's just a start, but so far we have saved quite a few trash bags by just composting things that can be composted. I'm not going to lie and pretend that there isn't a "method" to this madness~ because there most definitely IS a method...and it's hard to remember (and calculate) the exact Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio that is involved in the process, but in the's going to be worth it!!! We are sooo excited to see our efforts come to fruition. More than anything we are excited to see our garden this year!! :)

Another idea that we've decided to attempt is Bio-Char. This is an ancient method of basically making your soil more conducive for growing all sorts of things. (Can anyone tell yet? We're taking Mother Earth News and a LOT of our ideas have come directly from this fantastic magazine!) This is something we're going to try within the next couple of weeks since it needs a few weeks before planting and adding compost.

Anyway, here we go...on another if having twins wasn't adventure enough... ;)